
Homeopathic therapy is a natural healing procedure that has no side effects if applied correctly. It is a gentle but effective comprehensive treatment of health problems.


The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek terms “homoion” (similar) and “pathos” (disease). Homeopathic treatment uses substances, which would cause a similar disease if taken in high doses. However, these substances are well processed and applied in significantly lower doses. They stimulate the body’s defenses, thus helping the body recover. The therapy is therefore based on the “like cures like” and “help for self-help” principles. This similarity rule, which was already applied by Hippocrates in the ancient Greek era, was rediscovered by the German physician and writer Samuel Hahnermann (1755 – 1843).

Homeopathic treatment is a holistic procedure that takes the patient’s mental and physical condition into consideration. Thus, different patients suffering from the same illness often receive different medication (as opposed to conventional medicine). The homeopathic natural healing process regards illness symptoms as a reaction to individual health disturbances, which the body is fighting to restore its equilibrium.

In homeopathic therapy, “potent” active substances are used. “Potentiation” means significant dilution of an active substance with simultaneous “dynamization” (trituration or shaking). Homeopathic agents are produced through potentiation methods using active ingredients that are diluted in milk sugar, ethanol, glycerol, or distilled water.

A distinction is made between individual and complex homeopathy. Only a single agent is used in individual homeopathy, whereas a combination of agents is used for complex homeopathy.



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